Hi. I’m Mattie Belsack. I’m a content writer in New Zealand.

Quite unique! I know you are. Your future clients should know too, don’t you think?
I’m guessing you’re here because you want to get ahead in the selling game. You would love to be seen as the expert in your industry; the kick-ass brand that comes to mind when the need occurs.
That’s where I come in! I’m a content writer. I tailor result-driven website content and sassy blogs for busy New Zealand entrepreneurs like you.
So, …
If content that brings in the leads, and is anything but boring, is your creed, we may get along like a house on fire. Together, we’ll highlight your individuality, show the person behind the brand, and tell a story. YOUR story.
Then, when the time has come, your readers will look at YOU when they need the experts.
LET’S HAVE A CHAT about how we can create an epic following and convert those browsers into clients, shall we?
“To be noticed all you have to do is stand out from the crowd.”
– Anthony T. Hincks
Website Content
Think about it: what’s the first thing people do when they hear about your business? They do a quick Google search for your website!
Today, more than ever, your website is your high profile business card, your billboard, and your display window all at once!
To triumph in the digital age, visually pleasing, well-structured, engaging, and to-the-point website content are unbending necessities. On top of that, your website content also needs to be SEO friendly. (You know, be noticed by both your potential customers and the web.) That’s a lot of boxes to tick!
If this tells us anything, it’s this: your website content can’t be a quick whip-up. Instead, it needs some serious thought, a good amount of strategy, a powerful message, and some unique and undiluted YOU to make it shine.
Are you ready to get the attention you crave?
Newsletter Content
Ever heard of the power of email?
Emails and newsletters are potent stuff. (Think about all the big business out there paying top dollar to get access to your inbox.)
All these brain babies you spent days, weeks and months piecing together? Newsletters are the perfect vehicle to get them right to the people you already know have an interest in what you do!
When your regular newsletter is full of the nifty info you keep in your head, it becomes your waving banner, Pick me! Pick me!’, in a way that makes clients reach for the phone rather than hit the delete button.
I know… it’s time consuming, and gotta-have-it content writing is not everybody’s forte. So how about I do the talking for you? Nobody needs to know!
Blog Content
Forget the old saw sales banality nobody (absolutely NOBODY) pays attention to! Let’s call it: it’s bad!
Instead, skilful and genuine blogs are the secret sauce for a glowing following. (Yep, still!!!) That’s because people buy from people they like, trust, and respect. The beautiful person they relate to.
Done well, your blog is your effortless conversation from person to person. It’s your moment to answer the questions nobody dares to ask. You give future clients little glimpses of your unique brilliance. And while you’re at it you create a deeply human connection. (Of course, you also play the SEO game. Just don’t let anybody know. ;-))
When the time is right, clients will know exactly who to trust for the job!
Case Studies
Us humans are a nosy bunch. We like to know what goes on behind other people’s doors. We don’t like to admit it, but we are!
In a similar way, we look at each other when we’re in the market for a new service or product. More than the business owner telling us they have an awesome product, we believe it when other people say so.
So, why not use that as a way to promote your business?
Let your past clients tell the story about how your product or service helped them get ahead!
It’s crazy effective!